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Hospital Board Race: Breaking Updates!

What's At Stake With Your August 20 Vote
Family Mentioned in Text at Minute 1:18 in Video

Family mentioned in text found at minute 1:18 of video.

Video Note: Donations are no longer accepted per law due to proximity of election. 

Election Updates!

#1 A hit piece just got mailed out by a Big $$$ PAC that is lying about our position (they appear to be going into panic mode). We want to make it absolutely clear: Dr. Stephen Guffanti and Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser most strongly support the construction of the North Port Hospital and the Wellen Park Hospital.

#2 Watch out for the "Fake" Voter
Guide! It has
President Trump &
Gov. DeSantis'
pictures on it but
they did not
any candidates for
the SMH Board.
(We'd be 
honored if
President Trump
was even aware 
there was an SMH 
Board Election!)
It looks similar to
this and is backed
by Big Pac $$$.



#3 Key Differences Between Us and Our Opponents:

- We strongly support deeper analysis of disturbing patient problems described during public comments and in the above video, so they do not remain swept under the rug. We still are waiting for resolution of questions related to the use of four-point restraints on one of the candidates (described in above video), the withholding of FDA-approved, life-saving medicine of a patient (recounted in above video), and other patient care tragedies. The hospital deemed these as meeting “Standard of Care” and quickly moved on (see above video), without answering any further questions. Current board members running for re-election were satisfied with patients not receiving the answers they've been asking for, but we are not.

- We are on record pledging to protect children from sex change surgery. The need for this protection at the hospital level came to the forefront in June when a liberal federal judge blocked Florida law that protected children from being prescribed sex-reassignment medication, calling this protection unconstitutional. His comments made it clear the door was open to reverse child sex surgery protections in the future. 

Governor DeSantis stepped up and did what he could to protect us at the state level. Hospital board members need to step up and protect us at the local level. Both Dr. Stephen Guffanti and Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser will do so.

We need hospital board members who will support protective policy now to safeguard against a liberal judge's future ruling, and Dr. Guffanti and Dr. Rosenwasser will do so.



- Keeping Our Hospital PUBLIC! and protecting our community against privatization of the hospital.


There is a troubling appetite for privatizing hospitals at the state level. Legislation facilitating privatization sailed through the Florida House and Senate in 2022 and 2023, and passed the House in 2024.

We came to understand what a real threat privatization is to Sarasota Memorial’s ability to remain public, with a publicly-elected board. Sarasota Memorial Hospital is set to be the last public hospital with a publicly-elected board as of October in all of Florida. We must keep it PUBLIC!

When Lee Health voted to privatize in June, basic public protections were lacking and the community and board members alike were blindsided to the point where one board member was given less than 24 hours notice before the privatization vote.


- Dr. Stephen Guffanti and Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser will help protect children, the public, and Sarasota Memorial staff and contractors from dangerous side effects seen with experimental vaccines by providing our community with more robust Informed Consent.

The current board members who are running for re-election refused to even post an alert from the Florida Department of Health that would have warned our community that the mRNA COVID vaccines are contaminated and use should be halted until they are proven safe.

-Contrary to the board chair’s comment, it is a matter of public record that the COVID vaccine was mandated for staff for a period of time. Those who refused had the opportunity to request an exemption, but knew that if it was denied, they would be out of a job.


Fake voter guide miami.jpg

Past AAPS President, Tamzin Rosenwasser, MD, and
National Hospital Protocol Whistleblower, Stephen Guffanti, MD ask for your VOTE to elect them to the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board in the August 20 primary.

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